Department of Education redesign
Department of Education redesign
The Department of Education is a government run website that helps individuals, such as students, administrators, and teachers, find information relevant to them and their needs.
The Department of Education is a government run website that helps individuals, such as students, administrators, and teachers, find information relevant to them and their needs.
The current design of the Department of Education is faulty and complicated to navigate. Complaints of outdated information and design make it difficult to navigate the page and harder to ensure users stay on the website.
The current design of the Department of Education is faulty and complicated to navigate. Complaints of outdated information and design make it difficult to navigate the page and harder to ensure users stay on the website.
We began our process of redesign with a simple proto-persona and task.
We began our process of redesign with a simple proto-persona and task.
Afterwards, we conducted a heuristic evaluation of the website and findings were less than impressive.
Afterwards, we conducted a heuristic evaluation of the website and findings were less than impressive.
Ed.Gov Heuristic-Evaluation-Checklist.xlsx
We then conducted user testing with "simple" tasks
We then conducted user testing with "simple" tasks
Task 1: Find information on grants for Native Americans
Task 2: Apply for a Grant
Navigation analysis was conducted on the website as well as card sorting for testers
Navigation analysis was conducted on the website as well as card sorting for testers
To start off the wireframe, a new navigation system was made. Then a low-fidelity homepage was designed.
To start off the wireframe, a new navigation system was made. Then a low-fidelity homepage was designed.
In order to continue iterations, headers and footers were created, as well as a footer for a mobile version. And most importantly, a style tile.
In order to continue iterations, headers and footers were created, as well as a footer for a mobile version. And most importantly, a style tile.
Desktop Header and footer, along with mobile footer
With the new navigation, along with headers and footers, a new homepage and grants page was made.
With the new navigation, along with headers and footers, a new homepage and grants page was made.
Access to Hi-Fi Desktop and Mobile Prototypes
Access to Hi-Fi Desktop and Mobile Prototypes